These common cardiovascular risk factors may qualify patients for VSD Testing at least annually:
These common cardiovascular risk factors may qualify patients for VSAT testing at least annually:
It’s all about Medical Necessity
Testing is ALWAYS done based on medical necessity and according to Medicare’s guidelines for each state.
Results indicate the effectiveness of current treatment, potential early onset risk factors, referral recommendations, or even if more urgent steps are needed to prevent a cardiovascular event. Such objective quantifiers can help mitigate risk for both the patient and the practice.
Learn more about
VS Diagnostics today!
Learn more about
VS Diagnostics today!
The common goal is always to improve the patient’s health, reduce associated healthcare costs and better test scores through healthy lifestyle modifications, effective medications, patient compliance, and other treatment and follow up recommendations.
The common goal is always to improve the patient’s health, reduce associated healthcare costs and better test scores through healthy lifestyle modifications, effective medications, patient compliance, and other treatment and follow up recommendations.