Extensive Research & Studies Conducted

Sudomotor Studies

Sudomotor Studies

There are over 1200 articles of published literature on the three VS Diagnostics tests.
Below please find a selection of representative articles with regards to Sudomotor Studies:

Small Fiber Sensory Neuropathy

Briefly: Small fiber sensory neuropathy (SFSN) is a disorder in which only the small sensory cutaneous nerves are affected. The majority of patients experience sensory disturbances that start in the feet and progress upwards. These patients have what is called a lengthdependent SFSN. This type of SFSN is often due to diabetes or impaired glucose metabolism (i.e. early or pre-diabetic state) and may progress to typical diabetic polyneuropathy. However, in a significant percentage of patients, no underlying etiology is found and the patients have idiopathic SFSN. A small percentage of patients with SFSN experience sub-acute onset sensory disturbances diffusely over the whole body, including the trunk and sometimes even the face. These patients have non-length-dependent SFSN and almost all cases are idiopathic.

Sympathetic skin response: review of the method and its clinical use

Kucera P, Goldenberg Z, Kurca E

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Briefly: Sympathetic skin response (SSR) represents a potential generated in skin sweat glands; it originates by activation of the reflex arch with different kinds of stimuli. The potential of rapid habituation after repeated stimuli is formed by biphasic or triphasic slow wave activity with relatively stable latency and variable amplitude. In healthy subjects younger than 60 years of age the response is always present in all extremities. SSR is most frequently used in diagnosing the functional impairment of non-myelinated postganglionic sudomotor sympathetic fibers in peripheral neuropathies. In this study a more complex and informative view on the anatomical and physiological substrates of SSR, its character, normal values and technique are presented, focusing on problems in evaluation of the response and factors that have influence on it.