Vital System Assessment Tests
Providers & Practices
Providers & Practices
Adding value for your practice and patients
Adding value for your practice and patients

Chronic pain, pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, and a host of other conditions create cardiovascular risk, even in the absence of other comorbidities.
Chronic pain, pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, and a host of other conditions create cardiovascular risk, even in the absence of other comorbidities.
In all Specialties, most patients have existing risk factors for heart disease, including commonly known risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol, as well as chronic pain related to lowered HRV. 85-90% of patients will qualify for testing based on medical necessity and can be tested, on average, 2 times per year as treatment therapies or medical condition changes.
Quantitative, evidence-based diagnostic testing protocol empowering you to:
Quantitative, evidence-based diagnostic testing protocol empowering you to:
Vital Systems Assessment Test Series
Vital Systems Assessment Test Series
We are very passionate about the impact VSAT testing continues to have for both our providers and their patients. VSD VSAT testing will be an outstanding, sustainable opportunity to assist you in adding significant value for both your patients and your practice.
The complete VSD Program: partnering with your entire team to make sure your program is successful. It includes:
The complete VSD Program: partnering with your entire team to make sure your program is successful. It includes: